Foot balm can help you if you have:
1. thickening of the stratum corneum or hyperkeratosis in the palms and/or soles of the feet.
2. is an itchy skin disease caused by scabies mites that causes itchy feet.
3. Chronic plantar dermatitis (eczema) is most characteristic in the picture in the center of the inside of the foot.
Contains healing and soothing properties.
Allantoin stimulates and ensures cell renewal.
Moisturizes the skin and reduces callus formation.
No more skin irritations.
Why is this a good cream?
1. Rosemary: stimulates circulation
2. Peppermint: Contains antifungal properties
3. Sage is stimulating and protects the skin from damage
4. Camphor oil has a cooling and anti-itching effect
5. Allatoin/Varerohi has a healing and calming effect
Smooth your feet evenly and massage until the foot balm is completely absorbed into the skin.